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Saturday 29 August 2020

AWS CLI Installation through bundle


Install the AWS CLI without Sudo (Linux, macOS, or Unix)

If you don't have sudo permissions or want to install the AWS CLI only for the current user, you can use a modified version of the previous commands.

$ curl "" -o ""

$ unzip

$ ./awscli-bundle/install -b ~/bin/aws

This installs the AWS CLI to the default location (~/.local/lib/aws) and creates a symbolic link (symlink) at ~/bin/aws. Make sure that ~/bin is in your PATH environment variable for the symlink to work.

$ echo $PATH | grep ~/bin // See if $PATH contains ~/bin (output will be empty if it doesn't)

$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH // Add ~/bin to $PATH if necessary


To ensure that your $PATH settings are retained between sessions, add the export line to your shell profile (~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, and so on).

Uninstall the AWS CLI version 1

The bundled installer doesn't put anything outside of the installation directory except the optional symlink, so uninstalling is as simple as deleting those two items.

$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/aws'

$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/aws

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